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There is ability tu turn on/off authorization for TeltoCharge. When authorization is on, user have to authorize every time he wants to start charging process. Authorization can be done in two different ways:

  • By swiping the button in main menu;
  • By using NFC card;

By default user have to set authorization status in the first set-up.

Load balancing

There is ability to set maximum amperage at which charger can operate. User can change current from 6 Amps to the maximum installer set inside installer menu.

By default this setting is set to 10 Amps


There is possibility to add/update NFC cards. Just press "Add new card", name your card and then touch the NFC card to the side of the charger. It should add it successfully.

By default 0 cards is going to be added to white list.






Date & Time

Device info

Installer menu

This is the menu for installer. After every installation installer mus't open this menu and set configurations.

To open installer menu, you have to insert installer menu code. You can find this code on the charger mid plate. Installer menu is only for installers or personnel with relevant qualifications.

Max power from grid

This configuration can be used in two different ways:

  • If you are using dynamic load balancing, use this value to set the maximum current per phase that can be suplied to the whole electrical installation. Usually this value is the rated current of the main circuit breaker.
  • If you are not using dynamic load balancing, use this value to set maximum current charger can use according to the other appliances load. That means in this way current should not be higher than 16 ampers, (If 11 kW charger is installed) or 32 ampers ( if 7,4 or 22 kW chargers is installed).

By default this setting is set to 10 Amps

Supply voltage

  • Installer have ability to change supply voltage (voltage between phase an neutral wires)
  • Different places can have different supply voltages, so installer can set it according to the voltage in the site;

By default this setting is set to 230 V

Upper voltage tolerance

There is ability to change the tolerance limit for upper voltage. This can be used in the sites where voltage fluctuation is big.

By default this setting is set to 10 %

Lower voltage tolerance

There is ability to change the tolerance limit for lower voltage. This can be used in the sites where voltage fluctuation is big.

By default this setting is set to 10 %

Three phase charging


Phase priority

There is ability to select which phase should be prioritized for charging, if 3 phases are connected, but 3-phase charging is disconnected. For example if 3 chargers are connected to the same electric network, there is ability to prioritize different phase for each charger to avoid power cut off.

By default this setting is set to L1

Dynamic load balancing

Use preferred phase

Allow simplified charging sequence

There are electrical vehicles which do not use B state to start charging process and charging states goes from A to C. For that it requires simpified charging sequence. If this option is turned off, TeltoCharge will not start charging if this type of EV will be connected.

By default this setting is turned off

Charging location is ventilated

There are electrical vehicles which requires ventilation (charging is done on state D), because they use lead batteries. If EV sends signal to go to state D, but charger is not installed outside and this configuration is set to „NO“. Charging will not start charging. If TeltoCharge is installed outside, set this setting to YES.

By default this setting is set to NO

Temperature warning

There is possibility to increase temperature warning level. When charger reaches this temperature level, it starts to ventilate itself by decreasing charging power. If Charger reach 80°C it turns off relays and stops charging process.

By default this setting is set to 60 °C

Reboot device

There is possibility to reboot charger through the Teltonika Energy app.