Main Page > TeltoCharge > Advanced Topics > Dynamic Load Balancing


TeltoCharge have the ability to communicate with dedicated smart energy meter and regarding to its readings, adjust used electrical power. Such functionality allows to protect house electrical grid from overload in peak hours and optimize energy usage to meet user habits. Smart energy meter should always be installed in source electrical cabinet as showed below.  

Smart meter and TeltoCharge communication

Smart meter and TeltoCharge communicates via Modbus RS-485 protocol. In order to achieve smooth communication, it is recommended to use communication cable according to this protocol. Check example below

Supported energy meters

In order to strive for wider applicability and compatibility, we constantly test and add new supported devices into list. All of the supported Energy meters and schematics how to connect them are provided bellow.  

Note: All of the Color-coding is strictly exemplary and is used simply to differentiate between different connection points. Different communication cables can have differently coloured wires. Connect them according to used inventory.  

Carlo Gavazzi meters:

EM 3rd series to TeltoCharge connection
EM 1st series to TeltoCharge connection
Powering the energy meter

To correctly connect smart energy meter to power source, it is recommended to use manufacturers installation manuals.