Basic FAQ

No. Questions Answers
1. Where can I find installer code? Installer code can be found on the sticker on the Teltocharge mid plate.
2. The charging speed is not as expected Charging speed depends on input voltage and current. The higher input voltage/current the higher charging power will be. Different elctric vehicles have different charging power acceptance. If charger is capable to charge at maximum 11 kW power and for example user have Nissan Leaf 2018 which has 6.6 kW maximum power acceptance. The maximum charging power can be only 6.6 kW.
3. Can the charger measure the energy consumption of the charging? Yes, charger has got built-in energy meter which measures energy consumption and delivers DATA to TeltoCharge application.
4. I have two different EV models, can I charge both cars with the TeltoCharge charger? TeltoCharge can be used to charge different EV models. Different EV models can have different type of charging sockets. User have to have suitable cable, or suitable plug to charge EV with different than Type 2 connector.
5. Can I use my own charging cable? User have possibility to use his own charging cable. Untethered TeltoCharge charger have type 2 socket, which is used to connect charging cable.
6. Can I install TeltoCharge by myself? Installation of the charger must be done only by the personnel with relevant qualifications under the applicable local regulations.
7. Can I install charger on the pole? We do not provide special mounting for pole.
8. Is built-in energy meter MID certified? Built-in energy meter is not mid certified.